From our Respect in Our Workplace program to our LEAN Sigma program and our ISO 9001 certification, everything AstenJohnson does has an eye toward Sustainability. We work to ensure that our associates have safe work environments, where they are treated with respect, and have equal opportunities for advancement. We often make improvements to help conserve resources, become more efficient, and ensure that the workplace is welcoming to all.
Key Focus Areas:
Economic Health
of the Company
How We Do It:
- Spirit of innovation
- Responsible leadership
- Long-term relationship with partners and customers
- High quality products
- Act as a leader in the industry we serve
- Continuous improvement
- Planning for the future
- Sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth
- Spirit of innovation
- Responsible leadership
- Long-term relationship with partners and customers
- High quality products
- Act as a leader in the industry we serve
- Continuous improvement
- Planning for the future
- Sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth
LEAN Program

AstenJohnson has been practicing LEAN management for over twenty years. With over 300 projects completed or in progress, our LEAN community is strong and focused on continuous improvement.
AstenJohnson is proud to count 2 Master Black Belt and 21 Black Belt certified associates. In addition, 80 associates are certified Green Belt and at least 85 have earned Yellow Belts.
ISO Certifications
ISO 9001
AstenJohnson demonstrates its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. AstenJohnson also works to enhance customer satisfaction through process improvements and consistency. All our sites are certified ISO 9001.

ISO 14001
AstenJohnson Strakonice is certified ISO 14001. This certification enhances our environmental performance and highlights our environmental management and responsibilities.

ISO 17025
AJ Nonwovens Hampton is certified ISO 17025. This certification enhances the competence and the expertise of our laboratory activities.