Relay for Life
Eupen, Belgium
In June 2024, AstenJohnson Eupen took part in the “Relay for Life” event at the Stade Roi Baudouin in Eupen. Our company supported the "Lichtblicke" team, a local non-profit organization active in the fight against cancer.
LichtBLICKE is a "house of well-being" in the Belgian East Cantons for people with cancer and their families. The "Relay for Life" is all about solidarity and raising funds for the fight against cancer. The event shows solidarity with cancer sufferers and their families by getting everyone moving in turn for 24 hours.
52 persons (associates of AstenJohnson Eupen with their family and friends) joined the “Lichtblicke” team for this event, totaling 850 laps together and covering approximately 350.000 meters.
Active Minutes Challenge
Valleyfield, Quebec
AstenJohnson Valleyfield developed a creative initiative focused on health and well-being. In May 2024, they organized a 4-week challenge to encourage people to do physical exercise. They called it the Active Minutes Challenge.
In teams of 4, associates recorded the minutes of physical activity they did throughout the month. The top 5 teams with the most minutes were posted each week. At the end, they drew a gift card to a sports shop from the 4 members of the winning team, as well as 4 other cards from all the other participants.
A total of 48 associates took part in the challenge!
Success Story
Did you know that letting your hair grow could turn into a good action?
Sixty percent of women who are losing their hair, due to cancer treatments, consider it the worst of their illness. Several organizations around the world were born to support those affected by cancer. Those organizations collect hair donations to make wigs for affected people or sell the hair to wig making companies to financially support those in need. Organization have ongoing campaigns to encourage hair donations to benefit those affected by breast cancer.

At AJ Eupen, Lysianne Ernst and Anaëlle Roemans are both active hair donors. “Donating hair is like donating blood. It is easy and it doesn’t cost us anything when it can help others,” explains Anaëlle. In December 2023, Lysianne donated her hair for the second time and Anaëlle gave her third donation. “I am happy to know that my hairs are now getting a second life and that with a simple haircut (and a little patience until reaching the 30 cm), I could do something good very easily and without any effort,” Lysianne says.
Do you want to participate? There are more organizations in the world, so feel free to check the one closest to you and that matches your values!
And as cancer can unfortunately affect any of us, we should not only support others by donating your hair, but also make sure we don't forget to get tested for cancer, because early detection can save thousands of lives. It is well known: The earlier cancer is detected, the higher the chances of recovery and the lower the consequential damage.
Fundraising Run
Appleton, Wisconsin
AstenJohnson Appleton raised over $1,200 for a 5k Run/Walk supporting the American Cancer Society. The event was held in May 2024.
Congratulations to all AstenJohnson Associate Team members who participated. Thank you to all Appleton associates who donated toward the cause.

Williston Wellness
Williston, Vermont
AJ Williston partnered with IHMS to prevent work-related injuries and enhance personal wellness. IHMS visits the site several times a month to provide care and resources. Stretching guide poster were created with AJ associates showing how to do the recommended exercises. Individuals are encouraged to perform these stretches throughout the day to help prevent injury.
Bags of Love
Clinton, South Carolina
Bags of Love is for senior citizens who receive Meals on Wheels through the local Senior Options program. It is an event held on Valentine’s Day and hosted by United Way of Laurens County. The bags contain items like facial tissues, crossword puzzles, hand lotion and sanitizer that get delivered along with the meal those citizens receive during the week of Valentine's Day. AstenJohnson Clinton office staff delivers for Meals on Wheels weekly. Our entire plant donated to the Bags of Love project in the past.

Helping people in need has always been important to me. I am volunteering at the Travis Roy Foundation, for instance. Travis Matthew Roy was an American college ice hockey player that created the Travis Roy Foundation after he was injured and paralyzed from the neck down. The foundation gives grants to enhance the life of people with spinal cord injuries and for research. Every year, they organize a Ball tournament to raise money. I helped coordinate one of the fields for the entire weekend for this event. The event raises in excess of $500,000.00 each year. I also care about the environment and that’s why I have been participating to the Green Up Day for years. The Green Up Day is a spring clean-up tradition that activates thousands of Vermonters to get involved in their communities in picking up roadside litter.
Jeff Bouffard Sales Manager, WillistonSuccess Story

10,000 km: That is the distance that Jean-Marc drove in only 2 years with his bike. Commuting everyday no matter the weather, he rides his bike 150km per week!
Jean-Marc benefits from the leasing program AstenJohnson Belgium introduced in 2021. He is a good example how to become more sustainable. He will be around the world within a few more years without any additional CO2 spending.
His contact at the bike mechanic shop mentioned that he held the record for the region with its 10,000km. Congratulations Jean-Marc!
Red Cross Blood Drives

While some AstenJohnson sites organize blood donation drives in cooperation with the Red Cross, other sites offer their employees the opportunity to visit a blood donation center during their working hours. The goal is to give employees the opportunity to donate their blood and help others.
Associates who donate help improve three lives in just thirty minutes.
Participating Locations
Eupen Belgium
Charleston South Carolina
Clinton South Carolina
Appleton Wisconsin
Day of Caring
Charleston & Clinton, South Carolina
Trident United Way matches nonprofit agencies and schools with volunteer teams that help advance their mission and build capacity —all while fostering community engagement.
In the fall of 2021, associates in Charleston participated in the Trident United Way Day of Caring. Associates helped with facilities maintenance for the Arc of SC, an Alzheimer’s Family Support service.
On May 7, 2022, several Clinton site associates volunteered their time to participate in a “Day of Caring”. This event is sponsored by the United Way of Laurens County and held annually in the Spring to help non-profit agencies with work needs they may have. One group of associates worked at a raised garden bed site in Gray Court, while another group power washed at the Piedmont Agency on Aging in Laurens.
Charleston, South Carolina
The Charleston Health & Wellness team has 3 options to help encourage associates to prioritize their health.
Program 1: 11,000 steps per day
Program 2: Active minutes of 1,000 per month
Program 3: Trackable fitness/excercise 25 times per month
Associates are given $50 toward a fitness tracking device. Associates earn awards each month that they achieve the program goals. This program has been in place since 2015 and has had participants every year and inspired a small lunchtime walking group.
Success Story

In May 2023, David, son of Chad Trappitt, an AstenJohnson Kanata team member, participated in the 35 km ride for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) annual fundraiser. With 6,250 people participating, the event raised a record of $1,800,000 collected towards cancer treatment. AstenJohnson supported David with a $2,000 sponsorship on his ride to help other children.
Congratulations to David, and his supportive dad, Chad Trappitt!
H.O.P.E. Charity Tournament
Kanata, Ontario

After being cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, the annual H.O.P.E. Volleyball Summerfest Charity Tournament returned to Ottawa, Ontario in 2022 and 2023. As per their mission statement, H.O.P.E., (Helping Other People Everywhere) is a “volunteer, not-for-profit, event management organization that raises funds for community-based charities and has fun doing so”. Over the years, it has grown into the “World’s largest one-day volleyball tournament” and has donated over $4.5 million to more than 200 local charities and their programs.
AstenJohnson KBSC associates Allyssia Chamberlain, David Moore and Wayne London were able to represent the company along with family and friends. The team had a great day enjoying sun and volleyball while supporting some great local charities.

AstenJohnson Team in 2023:
David Moore
Wayne London
Allyssia Chamberlain
With family & friends
Charities Supported in 2023:
Education Foundation
Make-A-Wish Canada
Waupoos Family Farm
Camp Quality
Dress For Success
Fitness Opportunity
Clinton, South Carolina
We encourage gym membership by providing payroll deductions to local YMCAs.

Wellness Challenge
Kanata, Ontario
In 2019 the Kanata Business Support Center started a “wellness team”. For their first three years they hosted an annual “Wellness Challenge” where they invited associates to track daily wellness activities while the team provided daily suggestions of simple wellness activities that associates can try incorporating into their day.
After taking a break from the challenge in 2022, they brought it back in 2023 with several changes to make it more interactive and engaging for the associates. Rather than having daily suggestions and submitting a log at the end of the challenge month, an “idea bank” was generated where all associates could submit ideas. Associates were asked to add their activities to a site log throughout the month. Associates were also encouraged to include pictures, videos, recipes, and resources to share with the site. The photos submitted were posted weekly to the site screens to inspire and motivate others to participate as well.
In addition, a periodic communication called “Wellness Wednesday” is sent to the Kanata sites. This communication shares wellness tips and information on various wellness related subjects throughout the year as they receive inspiration and information for topics.
Dragon Boat Festival
Williston, Vermont

Williston associates participated once again in the annual Lake Champlain Dragonboat Festival on August 6, 2023. This event raises money to support cancer survivors in the local community. AstenJohnson was also a proud sponsor for the event.
The Williston team wish to thank everyone who gave their support.
Overall, between fundraising & banner sponsorship, AJ contributed $1,303 to this worthy cause. Our Williston team joined with the Essex Resort & SPA team to make a boat full of paddlers. Their first run time was so good it placed them in Division A. Unfortunately, they did not win round two to go on to the finals this year.
Onsite Wellness Activities
Kanata, Ontario
As part of our commitment to engage with our associates to create a better workplace, the Kanata Engagement Team implemented several actions to improve their workplace.
- The installation of a volleyball net for friendly games.
- They added a ping-pong table for the site that is used daily on lunchbreak. This is great for physical activity and to help release pressure and allow social time during the workday.
- Recently, a putting mat and a cornhole game were added to the site’s lunchtime wellness activity options.